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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

When things get personal

 Psalm 119:105 

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

"Truth's shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of Your Word makes my pathway clear." (The Passion translation)

No matter who I speak to or what I read, there's no two ways that 2020 has thrown us all a radical curve ball. I don't personally know anyone who hasn't had to negotiate major change this year. We have all had to readjust, make changes and sacrifices and get quiet to seek new ways forward. With that process comes perspective and for that I am grateful, because when you really start asking God to readjust your course or direction, He gives you a new lens to see life around you especially in times of uncertainty.

I count my blessings that both my parents and my parents-in-grace have always taught me to allow the promises of God's Word to be the foundation in my journey through life. No matter what situation I find myself in, it never ceases to amaze me how there is always such a relevant anchor in the scriptures that is able to guide me through what I am negotiating. This year, especially with the constant uncertainties and changes that have come with living through a world wide pandemic, I keep being drawn to the above promise of stability that Psalm 119:105 brings. It is the promise that no matter what crazy path I find my feet walking down on this earth, His Word and His heart is always to speak truth into my life that will bring the light / guidance that I need to be able to discern the best way forward. I love how the Passion translation says "... the revelation of Your word makes my pathway clear.". In times of uncertainty, what a gift clarity can be!

In pondering this passage, here's what I've been learning ...

"Your Word is a lamp for my feet ..." This speaks to me about a step by step process. It talks to me about 'guidance on the go'. He lights up enough of the path for me to see where to safely place my feet, but not the entire long road ahead, lest my tendency cause me to run ahead without Him. There's this beautiful picture of Him desiring to walk each step with us! It's a call to a daily walk with God. In John 1:1 Jesus reveals Himself as the living Word of God. He IS the Word of God. So this picture reveals that His presence walking beside us gives us the direction for each step ahead so that we don't have to stumble or feel overwhelmed or lost when walking through hard seasons. When our picture becomes clear of Him walking alongside us in companionship, it becomes easier to tune in to the wisdom that His Word brings that is able to guide us in the choices and decisions that we need to make. And to me the most treasured aspect in all of this is that He speaks so personally into the specifics of where we are at (hence my blog title). Let me open my heart to give you a vulnerable example from my own journey recently. Nothing is more relatable than an honest experience shared. 

As long as I can remember I have suffered from almost-daily-chronic headaches. There's been some stretches where I can count the days on one hand where I haven't had a headache over numerous months at a time. I've seen many different specialists, doctors, chiro's and physio's over the years but yet to find the long term breakthrough. My doctor eventually told me that I am that small percentage of people who live with headaches without there ever being a clear case diagnosis and so I should just take what works to live with the pain. When you live with daily pain you go through these phases of trying everything to get to the bottom of the issue, and then swing to the lows of just being over it all so you just find ways to cope and live with it. That's the rut I was starting to live in. I would take the numerous daily pain killers that would dull the pain for a few hours till it was back again. But for the grace of a loving and personal God. ❤️ 2 months ago as I was falling asleep with another horrible headache I clearly heard the Lord impress very directly on my heart to stop the pain killers I was daily using immediately. It was so clear that I could not deny it especially because it was so unexpected and so loud in my thoughts! But with that clarity came the panic of how I was going to cope and function. Clearly I heard the impression on my heart that if I would obey, He would help me. The instruction was so direct and so clear to the point of knowing that to continue with the same use of medication would become detrimental to my health. And so from the beginning of the next day I had to lean hard into what I have been learning about the above scripture. I had to see myself taking each step along a hard path leaning into the strength of the Lord to help me cope with the pain without the meds. It took my body 3 weeks to adjust and I had to humble myself and ask those closest to me to pray me through the adjustment and to keep me accountable, but there was grace and encouragement for each day! As my focus shifted to allowing Jesus to walk me through to a healthier way of living, before long I realised the breakthrough had come! Now more than 2 months later most days for the first time in almost 25 years I am headache free! He shone His light of guidance along my painful path to reveal a better way! He gave me the strategy I needed to embrace my freedom. He got personal with me to set me free. 

I share my story with you to give you fresh hope today. Phenomenal changes are able to take place in our lives when we start listening beyond the noise for His guidance in our lives. He always has the wisdom we need for the breakthrough. For me, it's just about becoming mindful of inviting Him to walk beside us and following His lead.

I leave you with this precious promise to encourage you as you take an honest moment to ponder where you find your feet today. He is able to shine His light into the dark places of your pain, fear or uncertainties and lead you with clear direction to solid ground.

Psalm 18:28

"You, Lord, keep my lamp burning. My God turns my darkness into light." (NIV)

May you be encouraged today.



(I love to hear your thoughts and comments. Please feel free to share your heart or a prayer request with me). 


RonchΓ¨ said…
Sunflowers 🌻 make me smile as you do my friend!
Sunflowers 🌻 stand tall and strong under adversity!
Sunflowers 🌻 always face the sun symbolizing positivity 😊
Sunflowers 🌻 are a bright happy sunshiny colour πŸ’›
Sunflowers 🌻 are not only food for our souls but for our body’s too!
So proud of you special friend 😘
Janine Robinson said…
Thank you for that very precious encouragement straight to my heart my dear friend. Can't tell you how much that touched my heart Ronche.

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