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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Reasons to Celebrate

I am quickly typing this in between trying to pack up for Cape, and while packing I am having this to celebrate :0)

What to celebrate you may ask ... well you would be amazed at how many amazing blessings you will discover of how good God has been to you when you start looking back and remembering what He has walked you through. Today I am celebrating many wonderful things! I am celebrating how no matter how dark certain moments have appeared to be, His light has ALWAYS broken through!!! Hope & Love have ALWAYS overcome the deepest of fears.  I am celebrating the precious family He has surrounded Brett and I with and the amazing friends and loved ones who have cheered us on and been praying us through. I celebrate how He has cocooned both my daughters hearts with the same peace He has cocooned Brett and my heart with and sheltered our precious family in constant hope of abundant life! I celebrate that as an extended family He has faithfully taught us all how to walk in victory and peace. I am also celebrating today that I am 36 weeks pregnant - way further than the doctors ever dreamed I would go and Brett and I are dancing with joy that the doctor today estimated Zac's weight as finally being in the 2kg range!!! He is about 2.1kgs!!! This is such a wonderful answer to prayer. Just look at our precious son. Isn't he a miracle already! How much joy he has brought to us already, even before we have had the opportunity yet to hold him. Look at those lips! They are just waiting to be kissed by mommy and daddy! 
Today I really want to bolster each of your hearts that as you start to remember all the many ways God has been faithful to you, that faith would rise up inside of you, so strong and true, that you would see Jesus' heart of love for you! This is the same God who is looking for any opportunity to show you His love and faithfulness. Find a reason to celebrate today!!! You are treasured beyond words!
All my love,
Janine xxx 


Jennifer Filen, said…
Brett and Jannine, truly the Father is doing something so precious in you, which will flow from you in ways that will impact others beyond your own ability to perceive. You are an encouragement, and a comfort to many even as you are experiencing His Mighty Hand holding you. We stand and declare with you..."It is well with my soul", for surely your miracle will unfold right before your eyes..blessings and much love Jenni
Niqui said…
Oh My Word!! I have tears running down my cheeks! Our Zac is so handsome!!
Daddy loves us so much! (^^,)

Anonymous said…
Janine... this is so special! And what a gorgeous little boy - Zac is certainly a treasure and blessing from our Lord! You and your family are constantly in my prayers and thoughts! Love and hugs xx Debs xx
Trisha said…
What a beautiful post declaring your praise to God! I'm blessed to have found your blog, and I count it a privilege to pray for you and your family. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lizette said…
He is beautifull. Like you said. Already a mircale.

All my love

Taryn said…
God is holding you, Zac and your family in the palm of His hand! Praying for and thinking about you. Safe travels to Cape Town :)
EJN said…
THe Lord bless you each and all. The Lord is good, faithful and true - that is the reason we celebrate. Thanks for reminding us.
Love to you,
L.O.T. said…
Just read about you on No Greater Joy Mom blog. Wanted you to know that you and your family, especially your little one, are in my prayers.
Adeye said…
Travel safely and know that our prayers go with you, my beautiful friend. Oh how I wish I was closer. We are praying without ceasing and believing for Zac's miracle. You are SATURATED in prayer, my Jan. I love you so, so much and am asking the Father to hold you tight in the days to come.

All my love and HUGEST hugs
Anonymous said…
Coming over from Adeye's blog. Praying for you and your family in Central Pennsylvania!
summer said…
Sending all my thoughts and PRAYERS to all of YOU!!!!!!! May GOD continue to Bless Your Beautiful Family!!!!!!
Laryssa Herbert said…
Praying for your sweet son!
Rachel said…
praying for you and the family as you make your way to Cape Town and for the days ahead. Standing in faith with you for total healing of Zach's heart. Love you sweet friend - thank you for blogging with such honesty, your journey is such a source of encouragement and example to me.
Mrs. Hany said…
came to your blog through "A's" blog - prayers coming to you and your family from Normal, Illinois (USA)
katherine said…
I came here via Adeye just to say that I will say a prayer for you and your baby boy. Hoping for the best possible outcome!
What a precious little gift you have safely tucked right under your heart. We will certainly pray for God's hand to be on your son during his birth and afterwards. I admire your strong faith in God's healing hands. Your blog entries are an inspiration to me and one day your son will be able to read them just as your daughters will and they will know what a special mother God has given them.
Annie said…
Oh sweet Janine!!! I just read Adeye's post!!!! Praying sweet friend!!!
Heather said…
I am visiting from Adeye's blog, and just wanted to drop in and let you know that I will be praying for your family and your sweet baby boy! “I am confident of this: that the One who has begun his good work in you will go on developing it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6.
QueenB said…
Praying for you and your little one.
Praying for you and your beautiful little boy!
Michelle said…
Good evening, I read your friend's blog (nogreaterjoymom) and just wanted to share that you and your family are in my prayers. May God bless you and your family abundantly!!
Anonymous said…
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I hopped to your blog from "No Greater Joy Mom" and would like you to know that I'll be praying for you, your family, and specifically for Zac's healing! May God and His wonderful Son be with you and may the peace of the Holy Spirit descend upon you as you travel and get ready to meet your own beautiful, precious son.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." ~ Psalm 139:14-15

CinderellaMommy, from WI, USA
MotherOfTwo said…
I will be praying for little Zac, Janine. I believe in miracles. Cheryl
shelley said…
Praying for your sweet family. How wonderful our God is all the time. Thank you for letting us pray for you.
Katrina said…
Praying for you. May God grant you the peace that you need to endure this journey.

Carlene's soon to be momma :)
I am a friend of Adeye's, and I just wanted to let you know that we're praying for you and Baby Zac. We had a heart daughter, who God decided to heal in heaven instead of on earth. He is sovereign, He is trustworthy, He is faithful, but He is also unpredictable. A trustworthy mystery, but His grace and mercy are sufficient in all things, in all times. Praying for complete healing and a living testimony of His miracles.
Jaclyn M said…
I am amazed at your positive attitude during this trial. You seem to be an amazing woman, and I believe that is why the Lord has decided to give you such a special son! It is a blessing to have this sweet child, and regardless of the outcome, you will have a son to raise... If not in this life then in the eternities!! Sending love, prayers and happy thoughts your way!
Patti said…
I came here from Adeye's blog- just wanted you to know I am praying for you! .
God healed my baby girl's heart while she was in the womb- I do believe in the power of prayer! Just wanted you to know there is a family in Oregon praying for your sweet little man :)
as a side note-My brother-in-law and his wife pastored in Cape Town for four years and George for four as well...we visited them and absolutely loved SA:)
MommaofMany said…
I've come over from Adeye's blog with a word from the Scriptures. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." Isaiah 55:8 His plans are higher than ours, and though at times unclear, He is always faithful. Praise the Lord as He shows Himself mighty in your son's life.

Mommaofmany from CA, USA
Anonymous said…
Hi Janine.
I found you via Adeye's blog.
I'm so sorry to hear about Zac's diagnosis. How absolutely terrifying. But I'm so glad to read that you're steadfast in your faith and it's wonderful that you're learning and growing and remaining optimistic through this experience.

Whatever the outcome, perhaps it will help to remember that God doesn't make mistakes. This is all happening for a reason, whether it's for God to show his abilities, or to teach you something new or whatever it may be -- there's always a reason (though sometimes we don't ever fully understand this side of heaven.)
It can be extremely difficult to maintain that perspective, particularly when you're in the midst of fear or grief or other strong emotions, and especially when a child or another loved one is involved. But I always try to remind myself of that during difficult or emotional situations. I find it comforting. I just wanted to share in case you may find it comforting as well.

I wish you all the best and I'll be following your blog for updates.
-Madi in Florida
Hannah said…
Janine, I heard about you through Adeye, and I got tears in my eyes when I read about your little baby; I will definitely pray for him xx
Debbi said…
Hi Janine, just read Adeye's blog and am praying for you and your family during this time. Praying for complete healing for baby Zac in Jesus Name. My husband and I live in Cape Town and are available should you need any form of help or support during your time here. May the Lord's peace and strength fill and surround you today and every day ahead. Please feel free to contact us, we will be praying for you.

Kind regards,

Debbi Windell
"Just when the Caterpillar thought it was the end of the world, it became a Butterfly"
Tel. Home : (021) 552-6190
Fax. No. : 086 273 2880
Cell No. : 072 322 1618
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Cape Town, Western Cape
Anonymous said…
I am praying for your sweet baby and for God's strength and peace to surround all of you.

Amy in Georgia
Colleen said…
Praying for you all in upstate NY, USA!
DianeTaylor said…
God Bless you both as you travel to meet your sweet boy. His hands will carry you thru the journey, keeping you all close to his heart.

Praying for all of you!

The Taylors from Baltimore, Maryland USA
Anthony said…
Oh, dear friends, we love you so very much. Thank you for your hope, your inspiration, and your undying faith in a mighty God. Our prayers are joining your prayers in the heavenly chorus of prayers from thousands of the Lord's saints on Zac's behalf!
Dardi said…
Janine ~ I have to say that I came to your blog from Adeye's to hopefully leave a comment with some encouragement. However, I think I have received more than I am giving! You are so right...Our God is in the business of miracles, & when I look back & see all that He has done in my life & the life of my children, I have cause to celebrate! Celebrating with you in hope!! :o)
stopping over from "nogreaterjoy" to say:
Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to His GREAT power! (Eph. 3:20)
Praying for your son's healing today!
Connie in Indiana
Julie said…
Prayers from a blog reader of Adeye's in the States and knowing and trusting that God is good -- all the time. May you feel & know His Presence in the coming days.
Agee Family said…
Just read about your family from Adeye's blog.

Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family.

You have such a positive attitude, and I want to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus.

Know that many on the other side of the world will be praying for you, your family, and this precious little one.
Team Bedzyk said…
Praying for you, your sweet son, and family.
Anonymous said…
Just a note to tell you that a sister in Christ from Cincinnati, Ohio is praying for your precious, precious baby Zac and for your family!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Leveta said…
Posting a note here for you after reading about Zac on your sweet friends blog.Please know that I am praying for you,your husband, your baby and the rest of your family.
Leveta--bio mom to Chad, and to Sam and Kaitrin from Dillon international.
Anonymous said…
Its wednesday and just letting you know I'm thinking of and praying for you guys.
God bless
Tony and Kelly said…
Praying for a miracle which we know God is still in the miracle business! Sent over from "no greater joy mom".
Many Hugs!
Tony and Rett said…
Praying over you and your sweet baby right now. We are believing that a miracle is going to happen!

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Stand strong! Praying and sending much love from Indiana!
Anonymous said…
I found you through Adeye's blog. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am praying for you and your family throughout this difficult time. I can't wait to see an update on the miraculous birth of your son!
Judy Deaton said…
You don't know me, but i read your story on nogreaterjoymom's blog. Actually I don't know them either:) I just love her heart for her Lord, and the orphans. Just wanted you to know you are being lifted up in prayer by more people than you probably can even imagine:) How Great is Our God?!!!! Praying for healing. in his love Judy
Judy Deaton said…
even though i don't know you, and you don't know me, we are sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord. Wanted you to know that you are being lifted up in prayer this morning. I read your story on nogreaterjoymom....and felt led to pray for you. May the Lord's blessings be yours today and in the days ahead! May HIS healing hand be upon you. In Jesus' Name amen.
noneya said…
I was sent over from Adeye's blog. I just wanted to let you know that we are praying and will fast for a miracle on behalf of your precious little one. I pray that Gods mighty hand would move in all His power to correct any medical issues on behalf of your son. We are also praying and asking the Lord to keep your husband, you and yoru children at perfect peace as your mind is stayed on Him. In Christ Jesus, Amen.
Just wanted to drop in from Adeye's blog to say we are praying for your family and your son. We are trusting that the Lord knows you, knows your son... has not forgotten you, and will not desert you.
Emily said…
Coming from Adeye's blog

Praying for you and Zac in Monroe, Louisiana, USA - May the Lord pave your way with blessings and give you the strength to face each day with thanksgiving.
Becky said…
Praying as you trust HIS heart for the heart of your son.
D said…
We know that the Father takes such pleasure in you, your family, and little Zac. We will pray for you and rejoice with you. And, we will put our hope in His unfailing love.

"The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:11
Carolina said…
First of all congratulations for the arrival of your boy! I read your story from Adeye's blog and just wanted to say I will be praying for your little boy's heart! I also have a little boy and we've also strugled with serious health problems, the kind that doctores tell you "you would need a miracle for you son to get better" well, we had our miracle and my son is now almost 2 years old. Last year at this time I was fighting your same battle and now all I can do every day is praise God and thank Him for the miracles He has done in my baby boy! Faith moves montains! I'm sure you know that already, so hang in there and be strong for your little boy!
Micah Jamie said…
praying for you & your precious baby boy! 1Samuel 1:27
Carol said…
Your friend Adeye shared your story. I just wanted to stop by to say there is a family in Canada praying for you too now.
Leanne said…
Just read your story on Adeye's blog and wanted to let you know that I am lifting your family and baby boy up in prayer this morning. Praying that your faith and the faith of those who witness this little boy's birth be multiplied greatly!
sunnylattegma said…
I am a follower of Adeye's blog. She posted today about you and your sweet baby Zac. I am praying along with you, believing God to do a creative miracle for your precious baby.

I have a grandson that was born at 26 weeks. Despite all of his needs and the Dr.'s dire predictions, God did miracle after miracle for him. Praying God speaks to Zac's every need.
Susanna N. said…
I just wanted to know that I am praying for Zac!
LaurenJo said…
Your post was absolutely inspiring. It's so refreshing to see people love Jesus like that. That is the kind of love and faith that I aspire to have. God bless you and your family.
Praying for your handsome little boy in Washington state.
Unknown said…
BIG HUGS AND PRAYERS FROM KANSAS!! May God surround you with his LOVE and arms as you enter this new journey with your beloved Zac!

Anonymous said…
You and your family are in my heart and in my prayers. You have such a beautiful spirit!
MommyG said…
Praying you through this process to meet your sweet baby boy!!
Sammie said…
Sending you,your family and your precious son much love and many prayers.
Mindy said…
Just read about your family on Adeye's blog.

Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

Praise the Lord you have made it so far. I am praying for you and your family, for strength and God's will to be done.
Cammy said…
Yesterday, I heard a story of a friend of mine. She just had her baby and they knew her baby girl had a cyst in her brain before she was born. When she was born, the cyst was evident on her face. A day after her birth, she and a nurse swaddled the baby and went up to a different floor in the hospital to meet with the specialist. The specialist told them that he did not see a cyst on the baby's face, and sure enough, it wasn't there any more. Further tests and scans showed the the cyst in her brain had also disappeared! God can heal, and I will be praying for a miracle for your family too!
Mimika said…
God is so faithful and love us more than we can fathom. I stand in faith with you trusting in Zac's miracle! much luv & blessings xoxoxoxo

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