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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Happy birthday son xXx

Dear Zac,
I had to find a quiet moment at the beginning of this day to come and sit outside and overlook your beautiful rose garden to write you this important letter. Today is your 1st birthday! Faithful Jesus knows mommy well and has given us the most beautiful sunny day for me to soak up His warmth right to my very heart ... and true to His loving kindness, your roses are starting to bloom! 

As I take in how your garden has begun to grow and flourish over this last year, I can't help but imagine how you have grown and changed in the last Heavenly year of your life. I have no doubt that you are absolutely gorgeous and that Heaven is positively rejoicing over you today. I can just picture all our family that has gone before us doting over you. Hopefully they are serving you some angel-cake for breakfast ;0)
Here at home we are choosing joy. We are choosing to make this a day of remembering you with all the love in our hearts. The tears shed come from hearts that know well where you are ... alive with Jesus. Every one of our tears shed, I know Jesus has caught and stored up and what we have sowed in tears, we are and will continue to reap in joy. He is using every part of the pain and offering to bring a harvest of heart peace. One day we will know in full.
Your sisters came through and asked us to sing you "happy birthday". I'm sure Jesus gave you an open window to hear our voices singing to you. Daddy is taking us out to choose another rose to plant in your honor today. This little garden has been such a healing place for mommy. Seeing life grow in this special garden continually reminds me that you are alive and well and THRIVING in perfect life. We will probably also take your sisters down to the beach front to ride their bicycles and then have a lovely lunch celebrating your birthday. Your cousins are coming around at tea time and Tianna has decided that we will make flap-jacks with maple syryp. She plans on making a heart shaped one just for you. Hang on a second ... your sisters are calling me to see something. Oh how precious! JUst look what they have been up to while I have been writting you this letter. They have made a sign for you and decorated the dining room for your birthday. Take a look at how much they love you ...
 (little cards ushering us to the dining room for your party)
 (A wonderfully colorful sign)
(The dining room set up just for you!)
Your wise daddy and I were chatting this morning about you. We want you to know that out of all the families on this earth that God could have chosen to be your family, we count it our greatest honour that He handpicked us to be the ones to steward your pregnancy and 21 1/2 hours here on earth and to be the bearers of your story. Still till today people share the impact of your life with us. Your life continues to bring heart-healing to many, because Jesus shines out of every aspect of your life. 
As your family, we will NEVER take for granted the amazing hours that we spent with you. Hours cocooned in "heart peace" and joy. It is my privilege today to go back and look over your pictures and video clips and take in once again all that we shared together. I know that you know how very much we love you. I know that you see God's amazing love and grace that has carried us through this last year. Mommy and daddy still say to this day that we would go through it all again just to have what we had with you. You will always be our pointer to Christ.
Today I am allowing Jesus to sharpen my picture of Heaven and His amazing love. That's what this life is all about. Jesus loving us so passionately to give us a forever family with Him. Because of His great love, we have that certainty in our hearts that we will all be a forever-family for all eternity. How we look forward to that day. What a priceless gift. Until then, we are choosing to rejoice and live worthy of His life and love as we walk forever changed by your addition into our family. Jesus is writing a story through all of us. I just know that the story still holds many amazing adventures. How precious to me to know that you get to see and cheer us on.
Happy birthday son. We love you SO MUCH. 
All our love xxx
Mommy, Daddy, Tianna, Angelee and baby Gabe


Happy birthday Zac! I hope the angels are throwing you a great 1st birthday bash!

Thoughts and prayers are with you x
Kelli said…
Happy Birthday Zac!!
Janine, your faith gives me courage and are amazing!
Hugs and prayers for you :)
Niqui said…
Happy Birthday, sweet one

I love you so

Debra said…
Happy Birthday Zac! <3 <3 <3
Kathryn said…
What a beautiful, appropriate song!
minifilhasara said…
My darling!
I miss ... never forget you!
I thought of you and Zac, exactly on it, so I prayed for you!
Never sent messages, although occasionally come here, but I was many days without reading your blog, because I traveled to Guinea-Bissau and Portugal. When I was in Bissau, I remembered: I'm in Africa, the continent where you live my friend Janine and her family, but that is just so far away ... I was in northwest Africa and in the South you
Oh dear as his life and the experiences that you have lived in the build faith! I praise God for that!
I've read news todasa s actually had read, but only now has to write this review.
I was radiant joy when they learned of her pregnancy, Gabriel will get that blessing, uhuuuuuuu! My eldest grandson is called Gabriel, he has eleven years he has been an inspiration to our family. Even came from heaven! So is Gabriel in your life. How was Zac, an inspiration, who will fill the earth with grace and love, a true caress of God, I believe! That glow giving rise to this planet.
His Famila is very precious in the eyes of the Father!
A great big hug and loved the birthday party darling Zac.
Kisses in the heart and peace!

Ah, the garden is more beautiful every day!!

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