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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Walking in the Rain

Posts have been on the quieter side as I took a break from my emails and blogging with my family here for Christmas and New Year. I have so many beautiful pictures of a precious time together. Thankfully my sis was on the ball during our holiday, so you can check them out at her blog if you like. I guarantee that you will be blessed by her encouraging posts. (Hey - she's the best big sis ever, so I'm allowed to brag - hee hee). I also have to do a post soon about tackling my very first sewing project on the last day of holiday with my sis. Watch this space. 
This week has been all about settling back into family routine. Brett started back at work (I miss him!!!! But, we did sneak out to lunch before fetching the girls from school - oh how I love those "stolen moments". It keeps us feeling like newly weds (almost 15 years later). My big girl has slotted so well into her new grade 5 class and it blesses me to see her excited about the grade ahead. It has also been quite peaceful for me to watch my Leelee enter grade 1. I thought I might find it hard to let go, but I am just too aware that she is ready for this. It's her time to grow! I on the other side need to stop growing (if you know what I mean ;0) ... one too many choccies after supper throughout the holiday plus the extra pregnancy kilo's) so I made a exercise comeback. I walked into the gym only to discover that things change in a year ;0) Seriously ... it had a total overhaul!!! I felt quite lost! I eventually found the pool and have loved just easing this body back to a gentle pace of health and energy. Living by the coast is a blessing that sometimes I have taken too lightly. Not this Summer though! I am choosing to really embrace the joy of a life lived in Christ. Those joys come from keeping your eye's open for opportunities to grow, laugh and live in freedom. A dear friend had the guts to start walking with me while I was preggy last year and also when I came back broken. She has allowed me the grace to talk while we walk at slow and fast paces depending on my state of mind. We walked the beachfront yesterday and loved it so much that we came back this morning ... IN THE RAIN! I cannot tell you how blissful it was to walk in the gentle rain. It was so delightful and refreshing (thanks Ronche ... you are a hard core exercise buddy, come rain or shine. Mwah)!
It's been a good week venturing back into everyday-life as I find my new pace. I am all too aware at how quickly "stuff" can fill up my week before I have done the things that really matter for my heart and soul. So here is a really arb post just to say ... next time you feel like the everyday hum-drum is getting you stressed - go find a friend to take a walk in the rain with and simply laugh!!! It's such a great way to lift your heart in so many ways.
Sending you all my love,
Janine xxx


EJN said…
I love the rain, Janine, thank you for the post. What a great idea to kidnap the kiddos from school and go see daddy.
Have a great weekend.
Blessings to you,
Carol F said…
Beautiful blog my Darling! Jesus has really surrounded you with caring, beautiful friends to remind you that He's with you.x
Am looking forward to walking with you at the beach - also a favourite past time when I lived at the coast!
Love you, my Janni,
Mom x
minifilhasara said…
Oi, querida!
Andei um pouco sumida por conta das festas de final de ano. Também porque fui viajar ao nordeste do Brasil para ver meu filho e minha nora. Fui também fazer um seminário das Filhas de Sara, que é um ministério que realizo. Foi maravilhoso!
Agora estou de volta à minha cidade, o Rio de janeiro. Vim visitar você, estava com saudades. Li todas as postagens que não havia lido. Percebo que cada dia vocês têm sido confortados e edificados no amor e na graça de nosso amado Deus. Que bom, ver o crescimento de sua filha mais velha e sua conquista. Suas filhas são encantadoras, glória a Deus por suas vidas!
Desejo que neste novo ano estejamos mais juntas, mesmo que ainda seja só aqui na internet. Quem sabe nos veremos ainda nesta terra, eu creio.
Louvo a Deus pela vida de vocês, queridos amigos! Como tenho aprendido e crescido com as experiências de vocês, aleluia!
Os amo em Cristo e desejo que todos os seus dias de 2012, sejam plenos da vida de Deus.
Beijos e paz no seu lindo e precioso coração!

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