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About Me

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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Favourite Quotes

Two quotes I read lately that I love:

"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message."
Malcolm Muggeridge

Keep your eyes and ears open today for little ways that God may be speaking to you. For me this week, it was through a flock of mixed birds landing on my lawn to feed. I have a big old tree that hangs over my gate and every afternoon at around 6:30 the sounds from that tree come alive. I have been gazing out on that big old tree for weeks wondering which shy but noisy little creatures are living in there. Then on Monday, unexpectedly as I was sitting on the porch chatting on the phone all these mixed little birds flew out from under that tree and settled in to feast on the bread crumbs I had scattered earlier in the day. They splashed in the bird bath that we faithfully fill, yet have never yet seen a bird make use of and these little birds put on the most beautiful show for me as I sat there with tears threatening to pour once again, taking in the simple wonder of having God treat me to one of my wanderings and heart's desire. He said so much to my heart in that precious moment. 

Here's the next quote:

"Life is an empty canvas. Others may colour or shade it, but God's hand holds the brush that paints the picture of your life."

No matter what you are negotiating today, I want to encourage you that there is a Master Creator painting the most beautiful picture. While you may not be able to see it yet, one day you will stand back in wonder at the beauty revealed.

All my love,
Janine xxx


Anonymous said…
Hi Janine - beautiful. I could just picture God painting on the canvas of my life.
God bless
Carol F said…
Thanks my Darling Janni, Just what I needed to picture today! I could just see that beautiful tree & hear those birds:)
Love you my Queen
Mom x
Unknown said…
That is such a great quote!
Onlythemanager said…
You posted EXACTLY the words I needed today!
minifilhasara said…
Querida, Janine!
Como Deus me fala através da natureza...é um espetáculo!
Quando estou celebrando a vida, com louvores a Deus. Passarinhos perto da minha janela, fazem coro comigo e enchem meu dia de beleza e fé.
Um dia destes estava um pouco atribulada e triste.O calor no Rio de Janeiro, estava mais forte do que costuma ser e aquilo estava me deixando muito agoniada. Sabe o que Deus fez? Ele mandou que o vento soprasse forte na minha casa e um frescor sobrenatural invadiu minha sala.O vento estava tão forte que as cortins balançavam e o jarro que decorava a mesa caiu e não quebrou. O vento era forte, mas não assustava não.
Liguei para minha irmã, que mora na mesma cidade e para minha filha que mora bem mais perto de minha casa. Falei sobre o vento e elas me disseram que lá não estava ventando assim não. Outras pessoas disseram a mesma coisa, que não tinha vento nenhum.
Eu pensei: Deus está me dando um refrigério,um consolo para que eu possa me sentir bem.
Que Deus é este,não é mesmo,querida?
Paz ao seu coração!

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