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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

The Kind of Miracle we are Believing for

Firstly, thank you once again for all the wonderful messages of love and encouragement. Our hearts are so overwhelmed by all the love that keeps flowing our way. I am truly seeing what "Love in Action" looks like. My house is filled with bunches of flowers ... meals and treats keep being dropped off and my phone hardly stays silent with messages of hope and encouragement. God is hugging us through each of your acts of love. 
Let me fill you in on the last few days.
Tuesday we flew out to Cape Town. Our appointment was in the late afternoon, but my phone kept beeping with the most incredible promises of God to bolster our hearts. This was the scan to determine a diagnosis of Zac's little heart. Every scripture and word of encouragement that was sent to us that morning became a pillar for us to lean into during that appointment.
The scan was one and a half hours long. She started out by weighing him and checking out all his organs. He has gained weight and moved from the lowest growth curve into just under average. That is a victory. Every limb, feature and organ is perfect. The blood tests ruled out chromosome defects ... another victory. Then she scanned the heart. Yikes people. It was the longest hour and a half as the the serious and weighty atmosphere desended into that little room. You know it's bad when the assistant nurse looks at the scan then walks over to you and pats your leg and looks so very sorry for what she is seeing. Then the specialist began talking. 
I will never forget how hard that appointment was as long as I live. Brett and I just held each others hands for all we were worth as she told us what any parent dreads to hear ... that there is very little to no hope medically speaking. The defects in the heart she was scanning were what they term very complex ... beyond the standard heart operations that are still very serious but operable. This heart, though beating, had too many defects. Where she should see 4 chambers, she saw 1. Where she should see 2 tubes, she saw only one. She noted the coortation of the aorta my Doctor suspected and then still noticed that the arch of the aorta was too narrow. Each defect alone is a huge complex defect ... never mind all of this put together. She said she would have to work together with a pediatric cardiologist to see if any of this could be operable but she didn't sound very hopeful. When Brett asked if Zac can survive once born with his heart in this condition she said no. We felt like we were standing outside watching in on somebody else's scan. How could things go from healthy and fine all the way through the pregnancy to this? She said we have to deliver in Cape Town if there is to be any chance of survival and that is only if they deem they can operate. We are still waiting to hear what her and her colleague have agreed upon as their diagnosis. As we were about to leave, the assistant nurse came up to me and said she saw we had hope coming in but she wanted me to know that this was very bad. She said it was the worst heart case she has ever seen in her career and that there isn't much hope. I just cried my eyes out. Brett and I walked to the car, held onto each other and I sobbed. All through that scan I could feel Him embracing my heart asking me to trust a little longer ... that His fingerprints will be shown to be over Zac's heart. In that parking lot Brett and I decided that nothing had changed. We were still trusting in God for the same miracle we asked for in the first place ... a new heart from Him for Zac. Brett reminded me of Jairus in the Bible, that even after his daughter had died he went to find Jesus and asked Him to come and heal his little girl. Jesus did! We made the decision that God has led us so graciously, day by day over these last 2 weeks to trust and lean entirely into Him and to ask Him with fearless faith for Zac's miracle and that is what we will continue to do. Medical Science may not be able to help our son, but we know the One who is Creator of Heaven and earth - the maker of man who keeps reminding us that HE is knitting Zac together in my womb. HE is qualified for this job. HE is the only One more than equal to this occasion.
So friends, you may notice that I talk about Zac's heart scan on Tuesday in the past tense ... that is because Brett and I are leaning into the Word and Promises of the Living God to see that we have already claimed a new, strong, healthy heart from our Loving Saviour for Zac. We are choosing to believe in what God CAN do. This is the covenant that God Almighty has made with Zac already. He is the One who has showed us that we are not to waver in our trust, but to be fully convinced that that which we have asked for in faith, according to His Word, believing that we have received it, we can have. We cannot believe anything less. We know that Zac is a gift from God and has an incredible destiny in God, as we all do and that it will glorify God to have him live out each of his days bearing witness to the fact that God keeps His promises. 
So that's where we are in the journey. This is a radical walk of faith for Brett and I, yet we have never had more peace in our hearts ... total "heart peace". While I cannot see Jesus with my physical eyes, I have never been more aware of His presence walking me through every minute of everyday.
My prayer is that even as God is encouraging and holding Brett and I up and teaching us how to walk in faith for our miracle, so will you hear our Heavenly Father's hope and heartbeat for you as you are trusting Him for your miracle. May you be carried by His grace and heart peace as we are. In the midst of the hardest storm, Jesus has stilled our hearts and we know He is taking us safely to the other side of Zac's miracle. This is the same Jesus who stands in your boat today, willing to take you to the other side of your miracle. 
All my love xxx


Anonymous said…
Oh Janine... I just cried during the reading of this message - not tears of sadness, but tears of JOY! Your little Zac is going to be a wonderful testament to our Lords amazing Power. He has given you and your family a measure of this strength though the Faith that you all have. I pray for this wonderful peace to surround you and all you come into contact with via the written word and your physical presence! Love You x Debs xx
Anonymous said…
Hi Janine - I will continue to hold you guys up in prayer and trust with you for a perfect heart for your little boy.
God bless
Oh sweet Janine- I am listening to Somewhere Over The Rainbow and sobbing reading this. I have seen family and friends face the same battle and understand the measure of pure faith it must take to remain positive. Praying for little Zac to be healed and for total peace for your family.

Anonymous said…
Oh my precious Janine and Brett. I have no words for you, other than to encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Him. I had both of you and Zac on my mind for hours this morning and that song "Turn you eyes apon Jesus" just kept on running through my mind, I must have sung it for about an hour as I prayed for your family. I am convinced that our Heavenly Father is carrying you during this time and I know that you are drawing close to Him. We are trusting with you my special friend. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, for letting us walk in faith with you. All my love, Jeanne xx
Ana said…
You don't know me...
I got to your blog from another blog asking us all to pray for you family at this trying time.
I am a proud mom of a daughter with complex medical needs and in my many journeys to UCLA, I got to meet a very special little guy born with half heart. I hope not you confuse you in this already tense time. But meet little Rudy:
Leisel Broom said…
Will keep on praying and lifting precious baby ZAC up!!! The LORD will perform a miracle LOL xx
Adeye said…
God of the impossible, my friend--that's who we serve! How He loves to show His faithfulness through seemingly impossible situations. You know I'm standing with you and trusting for Zac's miracle! Never wavering.

I love you from afar and wish I could wrap my arms around your big belly--although I seriously doubt that it is big :)
Kelli said…
Hi Janine, I've been praying for you and Zac, and waiting for news...although the doctors doubt, we do not! God is greater than all...He is the Healer, the Comforter and the Provider. I am going to continue to pray for a beautiful heart for Zac, comfort for your family, and glory for God. I want to share the story of my friend with you, but space is not enough. Please check it out at:
Read the journal from day 1 and see how amazing our God is. I know you know that, and have faith, but it is still amazing to read about it. What He does never ceases to amaze me. May your family feel His loving arms around you until you hold Zac in yours!! love you so much!
My precious Janine...God is just in such awe and in such joy at you all right now...because He sees at last those who trust firmly in Him...not wavering, not tossed about, but firm and steadfast holding onto Him for all...each breathed moment...and Zac will breathe and live and move and have His being in Christ...when he IS born, science is going to take a back step and be knoked out and what has happened, at the enormous miracle that for our Father is just one breathe breathed into Zac...stand and see what GOD IS DOING!! I believe with all my heart precious that you will see your son alive and well....and he will live all for Jesus!! Love u..thinking of u constantly...praying all the while and believing God has done it is finished!! Hugs. kath xx
EJN said…
Rejoicing with you in the good report.
Sending Love,
Sharlene Govender said…
Dear Janine
Be comforted to know that “help is on the way”. God has promised to never abandon His children.
I am 36 years old & was born with a heart defect which was never detected until this year. I have a 7 year old daughter & was devastated when I heard that I had to have surgery to repair the defect. The surgeon was amazed that I had survived all these years considering the size of the hole in my atrial septum. God is faithful to His promises & has carried me through; it is 2 months since my surgery and I want to encourage you with the scriptures below which have helped me cope. I will continue to pray for you & a perfect heart for Zac.
Love, Sharlene

[Isaiah 54:10] Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
[Psalm 100:5] For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations

[Isaiah 43: 1-2] Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God,
mel said…
Was reading the Word today and came across this scripture, felt I must share so you guys can have even more of His Promises to hold on to... "The Lord will fulfill His purposes for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands." and we know that he little Zac is the work of His hands. Blessings, Melissa
minifilhasara said…
Hello, Janine!
Grace and peace of Jesus. I'm brazilian and I live in Brazil. I went in his blog, certainly for the direction of God. Always ask that he lead me through the streets, cities and nations of the web. I know that I am here because he has brought me. What a blessing and know that in all places Jesus has operated signs and wonders. Because the greatest miracle and be transformed into children of God and receive his ineffable love.
However, I Believe in the miracles that God operates in all areas of life, those who place their faith in him and expect him, with a broken and a contrite heart. I know that God is working for you and he is working now. I will be praying for their needs. We have a worldwide network of women of prayer and i would like to share with all the women went on Zac, you and your family. I Want to know if I can do that.
Now I am interceding.
Remember always: "God is our refuge and our very present help in trouble." He receives the blessing of the company, mercy, grace and faithfulness of God on his life and family.
In the love of Christ!
Jen said…
Hi Janine and family, I came to your blog through another and wanted to let you know that I'm agreeing with your prayers for little Zac's new heart to be delivered just at the moment it's needed, not a moment too soon nor too late. I love to remember that the bigger our need, the more able God is to deliver, because we have absolutely nothing to offer of our own and can't get in His way! (The more hopeless in the natural, the more reason to rejoice because of the supply in the supernatural! We don't walk according to sight like the nurse you mentioned does. Imagine her shock if she could see with spiritual eyes instead of her natural ones!) 2 years ago I went through cancer and one of my main sources of encouragement was a ministry by Ps. Dan Downey. His website is an amazing resource for those in need of healing. He has a link with all the healing scriptures in the Word with explanations about how each promise was written for us today. Once I got ahold of the truth of God's desire to make us whole in this life, my battle moved to victory ground and there's no turning back for me now in believing that Jesus' stripes heal today! You can find hope (confident expectation) for Zac there, too.... (healing scriptures link.) I'll keep lifting you all up and will check back for the good reports in the coming days!
For Him,
Jen, USA
Kim said…
Praying for your family and for Zac. I'm believing in the miracle that Zac's heart will be completely healed! Love, Kim

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