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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Isn't He Lovely?! Oh so Lovely!

Precious friends ... the more I get to know my Jesus, the more I am overwhelmed by what love truly looks like. I have to start this post by saying that to know Him is to love Him. He truly is the best depiction of what love looks like because, He is love in every way. He is more beautiful and wonderful than any words could ever express. He truly is. If you don't see Him like this ... seek Him out for yourself. To all who seek Him, He is found. Never go on just the picture of somebody else's opinion of Jesus ... take the time to seek Him out for yourself. If you look at His life in the pages of your Bible, you will discover His heart and your heart will forever be captivated. 
When I started this journey of "love in action" through this blog, I never would have known the rich treasures Jesus would reveal to me about Himself in the midst of what many would see as a nightmare. What I have found is perfect peace and confidence of faith in Him beyond any of my own human reasoning. What I have found is the heart of Jesus and how wonderful He truly is. After loving Him for 29 years I am realising how much more there is to love and discover. I have hardly scraped the surface! His wisdom and goodness go way beyond what my mind can take in which is obviously why He reveals Himself to me one day at a time ;0)
So let me get to some of the things He has been showing me lately.
Well, you all know by now how He has been teaching me to have a confident faith in Him with regards to His promises about our baby boy's healed heart. This confidence of faith can only come based on revelation of His Word, and oh how He has gone above and beyond in showing us His wonderful heart for Zac. Just a glimpse of this little boys destiny in God blows me away. Hebrews 11:1 has been an absolute anchor for me. "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." What I have been learning is that hope in itself has no substance. Hoping that God will answer our prayer is vastly different to having the faith that confidently holds God to the truth that He is always faithful to His Word. When faith / believing God, is added to our hope ... we have substance people!!! Solid substance and assurance that God is able & willing :0)
I have gone through such a range of questions with the Lord and have come to see with clarity that unless you get God's Word on the matter that you are believing for, you cannot have immovable faith or peace of heart. Only seeing Jesus' Word gives you confidence to believe what Jesus says in John 14:12-14 "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to My Father. And I will do (I Myself will grant) whatever you ask in My name (as presenting all that I AM), so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son. (Yes) I will grant (I Myself will do for you) whatever you shall ask in My Name (as presenting all that I AM.)" (Amplified version). This is the confidence Jesus wants each of us as believers to have. This is the very reason that we are called "believers". He is looking for us to BELIEVE in all that He is!!! This has HUGE impact on our lives here on earth and in Heaven!
So here's what struck my heart today. Hebrews 7:25-26 says "Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost (completely, perfectly, finally and for all time and eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and intercede with Him and intervene for them. (Here is) the High Priest (perfectly adapted) to our needs, as was fitting - holy, blameless, unstained by sin, separated from sinners, and exalted higher than the heavens."
Ok, stick with me here for just a little longer ... that word "save" to the uttermost is the Greek word "sozo" which means "to save i.e. to deliver or protect (lit. or fig.) to heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole"! Oh my Word! This is the beautiful and wonderful Jesus that I was shouting out about at the beginning of my post! This is how He saves! To the UTTERMOST and in EVERY WAY!!! Do you see how wonderful He is! This is the kind of help He gives to "those who come to God through Him". That salvation includes EVERYTHING that we will ever need this side of heaven and for all eternity! This is why I know with confidence that my son's heart is healed. This is why I know with confidence that ANYTHING you are facing and dealing with is just another opportunity for Him to show His salvation and love to you. He doesn't just want you to accept what you are going through. He wants to save, heal, deliver, protect, preserve, do well and make whole anything that is simply too impossible for you. This is the very God who is praying and interceding for you every single day until you meet Him face to face in heaven. This is Jesus! The One who is "perfectly adapted to your every need". 
Now you know why I can rejoice while I patiently wait to hold my perfectly loved and whole son. My Jesus is praying and interceding over his life as He is over my daughters lives, my husband's life and my very own life EVERY DAY. He is the One praying over your life today and waiting for you to simply believe so that He can do all that He has spoken over your life!!! Oh how He loves you. Isn't He lovely?! So very lovely!!!
In whatever you are facing today, take some time out to discover His heart on the matter. You will come away with peace and assurance that no man can ever steal from you. 
All my love xxx


Hello, Janine!
I'm Denise, from Brazil and I have followed your blog, the Daughters of Sarah, remember?
I invite you to access another blog, which is my family.
We have been together as a family to win all our families to Christ. So we created this blog to keep in touch with our relatives who live far away.
We want to encourage with this blog, that all Christians do the same.
Be part of this army of warriors who are willing to live the gospel, pray and talk about Jesus, His Word and His kingdom to all families. Our families and our brothers, too, around the world need to know and surrender to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
"For the love of Christ constrains us."
Together we are better and stronger and the world know that we are the Lord if we love each other.
May God bless us and fortitude so that we do not stop and not go backwards.
We are praying for Zac!
In Christ, peace
minifilhasara said…
Hi, Janine!
As always encouraging and blessed word. True gift of God.
God in his infinite wisdom and makes our lives difficult situations like the one gift we give to someone's birthday, or any other special day that will be essential for the recipient. You know that thing without which we would not be satisfied. So you, your family and Zac has been for all who enter here, and certainly for those who live with you.
Often this gift is something very dear to the giver, but it comes wrapped in a pack or attract ugly, but when the person opened the packet, so she sees it was all I needed.
Do not know if you get the idea ... you have been to me this gift, an inspiration to my life.
"But we have this treasure in jar ebarro d, so that the surpassing power is from God, not ours." (2nd Cotríntios 4:7)
Peace in Christ
minifilhasara said…
My friend and beloved sister Janine!
Glad we were able to close, while away.
I'm always talking about you with the people here. I have shared about Zac and request that more and more people are praying for him and for you all. Hope in Christ, the faith of each one of your family members be added in these difficult days, but God is working.
Thank you for visiting the blog of my family. They are also praying for Zac.
The Espírtio gave me a prayer about Zac, I asked the Lord to breathe in his nostrils the breath of life, that your heart is totally good.
May the Lord acescente your faith and all who are praying for him every day.
Grace and peace, the love of Christ!

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