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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Believing for Zac's Miracle

Yesterday we went for the Doppler Scan that I mentioned in my last post. As I woke up the morning of the scan I was greeted by this beautiful message from a friend: xxx Protection, Love, Peace, Faithfulness, Understanding, Believe. xxx "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1.  Little did I know how much I would have to hold onto this beautiful Jesus Promise. 
At the scan we noticed that our little boy is a little underweight, but I have peace about this. The lovely Dr. scanning was so encouraging as we went from limb to limb and organ to organ just checking out our precious boy from top to toe ;0) As she scanned his heart, I heard the Almighty's quiet assurance that "Zac's heart is protected with My Peace". At the end of the scan the Dr. told us that she had some big concerns. She noticed that our sweet boy has a heart defect, but she does not have the qualifications to diagnose. She and my gynie are arranging to send me for these same scans with a heart specialist in Cape Town. We were shocked speechless. I am now 30 weeks - in my last trimester and there have been no signs of any heart problems throughout the pregnancy. Apparently it is very difficult to see, so the fact that my gynie felt suspicious at our last scan tells us that God has been at work all along watching out for our little boy. I will only know when I see the Doctors in Cape Town what condition his little heart is in. My Doctor is expecting an immediate heart operation at his birth, but Brett and I are so aware of the peace and presence of our Almighty Saviour in all of this and are trusting for a miracle in the womb! He gave us such clear and beautiful promises before we even knew there were any problems. He prepared us with the promise that we can have His "heart peace" even as He is protecting Zac's little heart with that same overshadowing peace. In the face of one of the biggest storms we have ever faced I have the most astounding peace. It is tangible, strong and comforting beyond words could ever express. I know that Jesus is in our boat and that it will not sink!!! Please stand with us in believing for Zac's miracle! Just take a look at our sweet and very peaceful little man.
If you too are facing a storm of any kind ... our precious and powerful Jesus is reminding you too today that He offers you His heart peace! He wants to be all the strength, comfort and joy that you may need. Oh how He loves each of us and never leaves us for a moment. He understands completely and has all we need to endure. May you feel His arms of love wrapped around your heart today even as I hold onto His beautiful and strong embrace.
All my love xxx


Aimee said…
Janine and Brett and girls. Praying for you and sending all our love for the next step of the journey. Aimee
Praying right now for Zac and your family! Sending you lots of love, sweet friend!

Emily said…
I will definitely pray for you, Zac, and your family, that you will continue to have peace that passes understanding.
Nicole Healy said…
Wow Jan, what big news. And much bigger faith and peace! You are a such an inspiration. We are praying for you, Brett and the girls and especially little Zac! All our love and hugs to you all. Nicky and Michael x x x
Anonymous said…
Hi Janine - I am adding you guys to my prayer list. Praying with you for your son's perfect heart. Janine, I'm in Cape Town so if you don't know anyone give me an email and I'll send you my details, no's etc. I would love to be of any help.
God bless
Kelli said…
Janine...our God is amazing! He is greater than any doctor or medicine. I believe in the power of His miracles. He is the Healer. Yours is the second journey in 2 weeks that I have been touched by, the other was also a baby boy and a family from my church. His middle name is "Rapha", because JEHOVA RAPHA is our God who heals! I am praying for your family and for little Zac. If I could share this other story of hope and miracles, I would (space is limited here). GOD IS GOOD! Thank you for sharing this journey...I am encouraged in my faith, and I know that God will be glorified through your family. Love to you!
Rachel said…
Just caught up on what has been going on. The Peace of God is such an amazing thing. I know you have followed our journey with Lily and her heart. Before we went to adopt her, God gave us some very clear words that prepared us ahead of time for Lily being sicker than we were prepared for - because of that we also had such a peace that it was all in our heavenly Fathers hands. Although the journey has been hard at times, He has held us so tightly that we have found such peace and reassurance there.
We will be praying for you guys and your precious little boy. Your words are such an encouragement to me.
Anonymous said…
You are one strong momma. Praying for baby!
EJN said…
Praying for you and your family and Especially little Zac, may God meet you each and all at every turn with His continued peace, goodness and provision. As I read, I was reminded of Psalm 46 - God is our refuge.... Be still and Know that I am God...the our fortress.
Sending Love and Prayers,
Mimika Cooney said…
Thinking and praying for your my sweet friend!!! much luv Mika xoxoxo
Melissa said…
I came to you by way of Adeye's blog. I will be praying for your peace and for Zac's heart. My daughter's heart defect was discovered at 29 weeks, and I remember how hard hearing talk of surgery was.
Maria said…
My 4th pregnancy has a similar story. My OB diagnosed a heart "irregularity" in utero and said that our son would need immediate NICU care after birth. Matthew was born 5.5 weeks early which made it even scarier. All went well, though we did spend much time in the NICU right after his birth. Our concerns and those of our doctor were extinguished when he was one week old and got a clean bill of health at his very first cardiology followup appointment. Trust your doctor: God choose this doctor just for you.
Wendy said…
I will be praying for you Janine! We have recently had a baby born to my cousin with a serious heart defect. He is thriving! God is good. Praying that God would give the Doctors wisdom and guide their choices, and that He would give you and your husband peace and grace.
Debra said…
Dearest Janine
Our God is a MIghty God!!!!! He has given you His peace .... He is in total control!
I will continue praying for you and your precious family xx Debs xx
rosedel said…
Adeye sent me. :) I will keep your family in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
I only found your blog today! and what a day to find it! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time! He is might to save!
Love the blog! and love even more that it's by someone in my hometown of PE (we are currently living in the UK!
Keep up inspiring and challenging for the Kingdom! The world needs more woman of faith like you!
Debbie B said…
Jan, Brett, Tiana,Angelee & Zac,
Jesus came to this world to bind up the broken hearted! Stand strong and when you have done all to stand, keep on keeping on standing and may the peace of God continue to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. All our love Debbie and Ken, Kim & Shaun.

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