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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

Speaking up Loud & Clear

Words. We hold so much power with the gift that we have been given by God. Ever really thought about how precious this gift is that we have been given? No wonder the Bible says that the power of life and death are in the tongue. God never entrusted this gift to any other of His creation ... except us ... His beloved children. While all creation has a voice and can be heard in different ways ... only we have been entrusted with the gift to speak words. What a precious and powerful gift those words can be. With this gift comes great responsibility to each of us. Everyday we hold the power to build up, encourage, edify and breathe life, hope and love into one another and each others dreams or we have the power to discourage, hurt, confuse or tear down. The choice is continually before us.  When we add action to our words, they speak even louder.
Everyday we use this gift. How much of what we say blesses? How much of what we say causes someone else to smile? How much of what we say shows that we believe the best in each other? Sometimes I forget that scripture tells us that we will all stand accountable before God for the way in which we use our words.
I write this as an encouragement, because we can make such a difference in one another's lives when we speak words of life, encouragement and love. Just as important is to be speaking words of life and truth over ourselves! When we change what we believe about ourselves, the overflow is love towards others.
Psalm 19:14 says "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my (firm, impenetrable) Rock and my Redeemer." Whatever we are meditating on (thinking over and over about) eventually has a way of becoming what we talk about. God is encouraging us today to fill our thoughts with the truth of who He says we are and to be speaking those words of love and life over ourselves and each other.
Proverbs 23:7 says "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Joyce Meyer always says "where the mind goes, the man goes." Are you believing the truth about how treasured you are in your Father God's eyes?
Here's the last verse I want to encourage us all with today:
Ephesians 4:22-24 "Strip yourselves of your former nature (put off and discard your old unrenewed self) which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from disillusion; and be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude), and put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image (Godlike) in true righteousness and holiness."
When we surrender our hearts and lives to Jesus, Father God looks at us and no longer sees that "former nature" and all the mistakes we make. No. He sees a new, Godlike nature because He sees the righteousness and love of Jesus Christ all over us. Today He is speaking His words of love over each of us reading this post. He is reminding us that we love Him because HE FIRST LOVED US! The more we meditate on how rich His love for us is, the more we will love and encourage those in our lives with His words and embrace of love. May we use our gift of words richly today! Let's speak up and let love pour out :0)
All my love xxx


Tanya Giesel said…
Thank you for reminding us,we get to taken up with life.That we forget what matters.To also be grateful for the friends we have and family in our life's.Even if they are far away,but just to uplift each other is a great gift!I always get reminded of us sharing the same Heart,and that is the Heart of our Father God!Thank you for your encouragement,i love reading your blog.Lots of love to you and your Family and baba on the way! Tanya
Thank you precious one for those deeply encouraging words...they are truth and come to the heart from a pure heart of love...i am also learning afresh about the love of mine has been skewed all my life..even as a born again Christian...and even now having to unlearn patterns and putting on the new is very real for me today!! Bless you my love...God has gifted YOU with a tongue of blessing and life...and you are bringing light...thank you!! Hugs to you and your beautiful family..Kath xx
Thank you my precious one..your words of life and blessing are a gift and bless my heart as i am discovering a new the love of this great God of ours...mine has been skewed in ways of patterns that now need reconditioning to the ways of you have blessed my heart....Love and hugs, Kath xx
Anonymous said…
Hi Janine. Thanks for visiting my blog. As you can see, I am fairly new to this world but loving it wholeheartedly and you're the first south african I've bumped into in this Christian bloggy world. I look forward to following your blog back.
God bless
UpperBottom said…
hi, new visitor here introducing myself so i'm not stalker-ish.

i love this post. very meaningful. thanks!

Unknown said…
beautiful lovey! - what a great way to start the day with this!
EJN said…
Wells said!
Niqui said…
Yup, so beautifully said!! This has so been on my heart as well!!

I love you the most, precious sis (^^,) xx
Carol F said…
Love your blog my Janni - we've been discussing this at our Women's meetings - Deposits and withdrawals - Awesome!
Thank you for always making beautiful deposits in my life - I am enriched.

Love always,
Mom X
Annie said…
Once again, Janine, thank you for such a wonderful post! You always have such encouraging and moving words for me and I thank you for always uplifting me when I read those words!
Onlythemanager said…
I love this post! I am going to refer my readers to it tomorrow.
A. said…
I always preferred action over words but I can see your point here. We need a good combo of both.

Anonymous said…
The Holy Spirit is still truly teaching and reminding ME of the power of the tongue. A friend shared this with me a day or so ago, and its 'spot on'. As a christian, I have missed the mark so many times; in my thoughts, in my speech/writing - in my actions. We so often try to convey a message of a specific nature and end up being taken totally out of context. Thank YOU for your message; blessing us with Your Tongue and Gift of Love! I thank God for his grace and mercy and for loving us in spite of ourselves. He knows the innermost place of our heart! xx Debs
Reformed rebel said…
Hi Janine,
You are right on with this post! Everything you said is so true. Words can heal or words can tear us down. All the verses you used are some of my favorites. Ephesians4:22-24 I read all the time just to remind myself. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings in Christ,
Anonymous said…
I have been having such a difficult time remembering God's love and thank you so much for reminding me of the truth in your post.
Your desire to share Him touches my heart, and has reached to me as great encouragement and comfort,
Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I like it very much!

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