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Janine Claire Robinson
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Welcome to my little writing corner. I count my many blessings to be a cherished wife and an ever-learning-loving-growing mother to 3 amazing children this side of Heaven and a precious little boy in Heaven. Together as a family we pastor a precious church community called Redeeming Hope Church. I've had the privilege of loving and following Jesus Christ since my earliest memories as a child. No matter what I've gone through in life, He has always been so present. At heart, I'm an encourager ... so this is a place where I get to wear my heart on my sleeve and share my journey of learning to live a life of love in action.

The Gift of Grace

Lately I have been having some of my paradigms shifted (always a good thing ;0) It can only lead to greater freedom!). I was 5 years old when I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus Christ. I remember it clearly, and as small as I was it became a defining moment from then onwards. When I grew a little older and temptations became more obvious, hardships made me question or hurts made me want to run ... I could never deny the very real presence of a loving God that had always carried me through. In my experience, God is not a God who wants to hide from us. But somewhere along the line, like so many, I picked up the mentality that to please Him I had to live a very perfect life. Always make the "right" choices. So much of my searching became about what He wanted to "use me to do". Obviously it is impossible for us to live perfectly in our humanity. Surely that's why we needed a Saviour in the first place =0) We all have our melt downs. We stumble or fall. We make unwise decisions that hurt others and ourselves. In those moments, I felt so ashamed. I wanted to hide from Him and so I would try even harder to do the right thing to please Him once again and earn the right to be used by Him to do something meaningful with my life. Had I heard of grace - oh yes, but I clearly I understood it in a limited capacity.
About 5 years ago, while I was walking on the beach praying about some big decisions at the time, the phrase "love in action" captured my heart. It was on that walk that the heart of God began to uncover to me the purpose for the gospel being shared. Jesus repeatedly shared that He had come to free us from the law and the pain and destruction that sin brings into our lives. He fulfilled every inch of the requirements of the law on our behalf so that we would not have to strive so hard for His love and acceptance. He wanted to make a way for us to receive the freedom that we all need. The truth is that His obedience and sacrifice was perfect and complete for us. He made that covenant with the Father on our behalf. His covenant promises and blessings that you read about in the Bible are guaranteed through His obedience for us! Oh my word. That is how strong grace is! It actually has nothing to do with my actions at all! It's all about His action on my behalf. All that He requires from us is to accept it as the gift that it is. 
This post is about exploring the wonder of His grace. The only way that we can come to the place of salvation is by grace. Not our wonderful efforts of a life lived perfectly! 
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 8-9
 If you, like me have grown up going to church, hearing sermons all your life yet still have not felt the freedom of His total acceptance, today is the day to open your gift of grace. He is willing to trade all your brokenness, all your pain, past and present mistakes and in return give you love. Peace. Acceptance. Healing. Purpose. Meaning. It's not about what you can do ... it's all about what you choose to receive. May your heart receive the freedom that love brings today by accepting His truth. His grace is for you! There are no exceptions to who qualifies. We all qualify! May His words bathe your heart and mind today  and everytime you look in the mirror and see your reflection, see what God sees ... one who is so worthy of grace and all His liberating love!
All my love xxx


Hiya my precious friend!

I must say, I really miss you and having the luxury of seeing you as much as we did over the holidays.

I love this post. It reminds me of something you told me - "Grace is a person- Jesus".
Your words openned up an avenue of questions that led me to a new revelation of grace. Thank you my friend. Your experience makes me recognise that grace is also a journey. Thank you for these words of encouragement (^^,)

Love you loads,
Nisha xoxo
EJN said…
His mercies are new every morning. I love that - Grace is a person - Jesus. That is definately going in my journal.
Have a sweet day friend. You're a precious encourager.
Blessings on your day,
The Renwicks said…
What a wonderful reminder of such an important truth! x
Miss Janet said…
Amen! Absolutely lovely! We serve a God who is FULL of lovingkindness!

Thank you for visiting my blog. My Grandpa needs prayer. He has such bondage. To be honest with you, I don't really know him. He is my Dad's step-dad and my Dad grew up hating the man. It was an aweful time. They are fine now and I think they "care" about each other.

I've never really had much of a conversation with him. Mostly just hellos and goodbyes. Very strange.

Thank you for praying. We shall see what the LORD will do!

:)Blessings to you and supernatural favor!

Anonymous said…
Your are performing a great job. You should remain penning. Thanks
Renee Ann said…
I used to be a list-keeper. It felt good following the do' and don'ts and patting myself on the back. Then I realized it was all futile; I couldn't even fulfill the basics I expected out of myself. So I tore up my lists and asked God to change my heart. Grace provides a better way to live! . . . I pray that many are touched by your post. Blessings!
So beautifully said, my friend. How free we are when we realize it is not about rules or formulas..or even being good enough. But his endless love that longs to redeem us! Amen, to all that you wrote. xo

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