3 more sleeps!!!
To say that I feel blessed, giddy with joy and so loved would be putting it too lightly. I honestly feel SATURATED and cocooned in God's amazing love! He is spoiling me from every angle through so many precious people. I feel so loved. Messages keep pouring in with wonderful words of encouragement, prayers and such genuine joy as we all expectantly await Gabriel's birth. Just today a very precious heart-mommy friend dropped off this sweet pressie for our little boy. Isn't it too darling!
The blessings just keep rolling in. Over the weekend a very faithful friend of mine gave my hair a wonderful cut, colour and blow dry to ensure that I feel pretty for the big day. Then this morning I was blessed with the yummiest gourmet breakie at the new Boardwalk Hotel.
The 3 of us giggled and laughed like school girls in such a plush, elegant setting. Our laughter seemed to be on the contagious level as another guest dining alone behind us couldn't help joining in with all our laughter and banter. Ahhh ... joy is certainly the best medicine for the heart! (I have to add that though they were the most expensive poached eggs I've ever eaten, they were also the tastiest by a long shot! ;0) Thank-you my friend for such an 'eggseptional' spoil! ;0)
The Lord has gone out of the way to count down the last few days with one treat after the next. Every day I get hugs and sms's of excitement from precious friends!
Tomorrow morning a friend who prayed me through every step of Zac's journey has booked a manicure and pedicure for me. I feel so spoiled! And straight after that another precious daughter of the King contacted me to ask if she could take some professional preggy photo's for me! I have never had that done in any of my pregnancies. So like the Lord to "go big" on our last pregnancy!
Oh my goodness ... I just feel so humbled by so much love! Throughout this entire pregnancy we have been lavished with precious gifts for our boy, prayers of joy and encouragement and so much support. Once again I am declaring His unfailing goodness! Only Jesus can make beauty out of ashes. How I adore Him for all His steadfast love and kindness.
All my love xxx