Hubby is out for a movie night with his brother and the girls are tucked into bed after a busy day of studying for exams. I don't know who is swatting harder - my eldest or me ;-) I feel like I am getting my grade 4 education all over again! Not a bad thing I suppose, because I am finally learning those times tables of by heart! hee hee
As I write tonight the rain is falling. What a soothing and relaxing sound. There is nothing like being indoors with an opportunity to simply lie in bed and listen to the rain pouring. It is a cleansing sound. It makes my heart smile because we finally planted our rose garden for Zac last week and all this rain is exactly what my roses need. (I have to take a photo of our budding garden and post it soon.) I am so enjoying learning something new ... gardening. My precious Mommy Darling was here visiting me for Zac's celebration service when the roses started arriving. I have such beautiful memories of walking around the nursery, each picking out our favorites that we deemed worthy to be planted in this special garden of life. Before she flew back to the U.S. she taught me how to tend to them and I have to say how therapeutic I find walking around my garden and cutting off the dead bits to give new life to the plants. There is something so beautiful about seeing flowers bloom after having being carefully clipped back. Haven't we all read so many lessons on the growth that comes from pruning. I always cringe, because I know how painful pruning is ... so no ... you are not going to have to read a post on pruning today ;0)
2 weeks ago the girls and I sat for ages snipping off all the dead daisy flowers that had bloomed in Spring. When I looked at the bushes today, I noticed that they are budding all over again. The same for the rose bushes that were in full bloom when we bought and received them, but after snipping off the flowers that had bloomed they looked so empty for the last few weeks. Today as I sprayed them with some rose feed, I noticed all the new buds and I was overjoyed!!! The lady at the nursery told me today that they bloom in 6 week cycles. She had NO IDEA how significant that would be to me. As I mentioned yesterday, I am at the 6 week mark since Zac's graduation, and to see the promise of these new buds spoke so prophetically to my heart. Beauty WILL bloom, because the Creator of Heaven and earth is watching over our little family and lovingly tending to us to cause life, beauty and joy to bloom in each of us, no matter how hard some days may seem to be.
This week the Lord has spoken so much to me through nature around me. I encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open to His beautiful messages of hope and endearment that He wants to share with you. I would love to hear how He has spoken into your heart and met you where you are at. May this be a comfortable place for you to share your stories too.
Sending you all so much love xxx
Funny thing is, the day lillies that I planted a year ago, flowered for the first time yesterday (^^,) Thank you Jesus for His wonderful little messages hey!
I love you precious one <3