This year has been a year of learning how to "let go". If you are wired anything like me, this is not always easy. I'm one of those people who has a big heart and feels very deeply - sometimes too deeply. I looked back over my journals and discovered once again how long my very gracious Lord Jesus has been walking around this mountain with me ;0) It's a learning curve to create the habit of "letting go" before things mount up in your heart. Just this week my eldest looked me in the eye and used my very same words to her ... "Mommy. Don't sweat the small stuff." I was so proud of her for being able to recognize and remind me that her and I are learning the same principle together. There is nothing like observing something in another persons life to help you recognize that you still have work to do in your own life. This is a very wise principle that my sister Niqui has taught me over many heart felt conversations. Oh how grateful I am for her in my life! For so long I have been plugging away with my firstborn to help her learn how to let the small stuff go and not stress so easily, yet I have been walking around with the same ailment for so long. I thank God that He uses my precious children to mould, refine and teach me so many life giving lessons.
As I worked through and processed what was stressing me out so much yesterday, I heard His encouraging whisper to look for the blessing in amongst the disappointment. We all have our faults, because we are all on a journey to wholeness and freedom. To become engaged in offense which most often comes through misunderstanding, robs us of the blessing that was ultimately intended. It always amazes me how hard that choice to "let go" is when you feel so justified in your interpretation of events. But I can truly say, no matter the level of hurt ... there is nothing sweeter than the freedom and liberty that blows upon your heart when you finally let go. Oh the lightness!
So here's to a stress free weekend as I let go and trust God. He is after all capable of working all things out to His glory!
Love you all xxx
God bless, you have a stress free weekend too.
All my love, Mom xxxxx