These last few weeks I have been so aware of how none of us are exempt from facing pain. We all face it in different ways. Some deal with it through physical pain in their bodies .... some face it through disappointment ... others are confronted with it through betrayal ... while others meet it through loss. There are so many different avenues that can evoke our pain.
Jesus Himself faced these feelings. There is nothing that we face that He cannot identify with. He is truth and wants to give us His perspective of truth so that we can move from being trapped in our pain into the freedom that His love offers. Hebrews 4:14-16 beautifully says "Now that we know what we have - Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God - let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all - all but the sin. So let's walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help."
Accepting His truth above our feelings is where love is able to begin to work! His love will always lead to healing and freedom. So often it is us choosing to hold onto our feelings that keeps us trapped in our pain. I am speaking from my own personal experience. It is when we begin to trust Him with our limited perspectives and hurt feelings and in their place open up our hearts to His truth, that we begin to see the path through our pain.
I read such an amazing post by a precious woman named Lysa TerKeurst this afternoon which spoke straight to my heart. I felt that it linked into this thought. It is so worth the read! She shares how our assumptions are not always the truth. What we 'feel' may feel like our reality ... but the truth Jesus leads us to brings clarity through the pain.
May you be encouraged to take all your pain to Jesus. He is the one who so tenderly wipes every tear from our faces (Isaiah 25:8) and gives us beauty for ashes. He doesn't want to see us locked in pain. His truth ... not our feelings is what sets us free! "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free". (John 8:32)
I would love to trust with you if you have any prayer needs. Know that this post is not written out of a place of my own strength, it is me handing over my pain to my precious Jesus. He is able to heal!
Love Janine xxx
Much love,
I love you,
Niqs xx
Quetsie - I love you more than I could ever say and am so grateful that God chose you to be my big sis xoxoxo
Thank you for this post as it comes as confirmation and a Word in season. In our homegroup this morning, we discussed this very subject! So, a thousand times, thank you!!
All My Love,