It's drizzling over here tonight. How therapeutic to watch the gentle raindrops falling and bringing a wonderful refreshing to a drought that has lingered for over a year now here in Port Elizabeth.
Listening to the gentle rain falling outside I am reminded of the faithfulness of a God that draws close. As I look back on the really dry times in my life, I can see glimpses of His Presence as He faithfully saw me through. Did He feel close at the time? Not always. But when I take a closer look, I see more clearly His fingerprints as He carried me, or strengthened me ... or just loved me through it all.
Are you going through a particularly dry time? I encourage you to watch out for the amazing ways that He wants to brings His gentle refreshing to you. It might be through the arms of a loved one ... or a gentle word from a stranger ... or even in the beauty that surrounds you. He is longing to refresh your heart today with His gentle reminder that you are cherished and that He cares. He sees. And He cares.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
All my love,
Janine xxx
Thank you for a refreshing word of encouragement...
Lotsa Love,